As you might imagine, I’ve been brainstorming what my first official blog post should be…should it be a design inspiration piece, a tutorial of sorts about decorating or something about preparing your home for sale? These thoughts of course, are streaming in at full force between 5a.m. jaunts to finish stages before the school bus arrives, during afternoon classroom time as the room mom to two elementary-aged boys and well, during the wee hours of the night wondering if I can convince my husband to use our date night to pick up rugs for a design client and then “quickly” stop at another house to take some furniture out because it’s sold! Can you picture it? Here’s a glimpse…

Then, it dawned on me, with the help of a Grateful Dead tune that came on during my morning drive to this empty house I recently staged. KARMA…
The first time I entered this particular house, it spooked me. The darkness of the early morning didn’t help things of course, but the house gave me chills. However, I decided that this house wasn’t going to be the end of my days (aka…I wasn’t about to go missing). I staged it to feel warmer and inviting…helping it to open its doors to a new owner who’d come to love it. Surprisingly, when I finished this project, I found myself literally saying goodbye to this house and thanking it for letting me help show its potential.
Karma…the idea that what you’re putting out to the universe creates an energy that will come back to you in the future. In my design work, whether I’m choosing furniture, rugs and paint color or moving walls to renovate a room or staging a home to sell, I take into account the energy of a home. It helps guide me in my design choices, along with the client’s wishes of course. I believe that how you design a home, creates an energy for not only its inhabitants, but for the actual home too. Houses speak to me…in a spiritual sense. It may sound odd to some of you, but I spend a lot of time in other people’s spaces and I feel the energy of a home. Okay, so how does this relate to you?
When you enter into your next design project, think about how your house feels. Where do you feel most comfortable or uncomfortable? Think about dressing the spaces that feel awkward and give them something to say, share or even shout out…something fun, bright or reflective of you…chances are, it will change the flow of your houses energy and ultimately how you feel in it.
Check out some of the photos below and remember to say “thank you” to the place you call home. Enjoy the journey. LG
Stairs are SO fun and welcoming…makes you want to run up them counting the numbers!
Source: via Laura on Pinterest
The doors under the stairs create a visual interest to an otherwise dead space.
Source: via Laura on Pinterest
A pop of color makes these traditionally-styled bookcases shout out to the World “look at me!”
Source: via Laura on Pinterest
P.S. – I’d love to hear your thoughts and learn how you’ve made your home feel loved and appreciated. Have a super week!